On Thursday morning Wesley & I woke up to a beautiful day in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. We rented him a bike and took a stroll down 30-A. We made a stop in Seaside to check out the cute village and the white sand.
Then we met Jeb & Leslie at Pizza by the Sea. A must stop when your down that way!
That night us 4 went back into Seaside to eat at Great Southern. The meal was amazing and sent us all home stuffed.
Friday morning we played couples tennis. I have never laughed so hard at Jeb hitting that racquet. He is determined to be better next time we go down....we will see!
After a quick lunch we rode into Destin to get on the boat. The afternoon was spent at the point with friends.
Friday night we met up with our whole group for dinner at Cuvee Bistro. With some connections we ate in the private dining area and got to be as loud as we wanted...and with this group that is just what is needed!
We got the waiter to help us play a game of Credit Card Roulette.
Jeb lost....but we just couldn't let him take that bill himself.
Parker of course ordered champagne for everyone
Saturday morning started with a Boys Fishing Trip and a Girls Bike Ride. Erin & I spent the afternoon shopping and helping Leslie get ready for the
Wedding Fiesta Shower for Parker & Ashley.
I'll share that party tomorrow... daylight savings is still getting to me and i'm tired!